History is not pretty; and the concept of race is a human concept.
In America alone you have:
-The decimation of the American Indians
-Homestead act
-Voting laws
-Unfair Justice system and police brutality
Basically, the law has always favored rich white males.
Where do you believe we are presently? Where do you believe we are and headed?
We are around just 150 years from the 13th amendment; which some would say just redefined slavery. If the last two years have shown us anything it's that this country is still deeply divided. We are waking up to some injustices, but still have plenty of ground to cover. Honest communication and actually listening to people would help a lot though.
Why should we care about the issue?
Jesus cared for the marginalized and downtrodden, therefore so should we. The parable of the Good Samaritan is just one example of Jesus' belief in caring for others.
Are there changes in American culture that need to happen for progress to happen?
America and the powers that be first need to apologize for the many things done and still being done to minorities. I.e. treatment of Native Americans, lies in history curriculum, corporate racial discrimination, and justice system issues.
Personally, it's about examining our hearts of hidden prejudices and holding our circle to a higher standard/challenging them about their prejudices. Hard stuff.
What do you think needs to improve relations between majority and minority? What can we do? What's our part?
We could talk a lot about the justice system, redlining, and voting laws. But let's get down to the nitty gritty.
Our circle of friends needs to become more authentically diverse. I've been told that if your dining room table isn't surrounded by people of different colors then you have work to do.Let's not be colorblind; celebrate our differences!
Break out of your normal bubble. Purposefully put yourself in positions to learn more about other cultures and races.
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